• Question: What drives you to do your job as an engineer everyday? Do you ever get bored?

    Asked by amber1s to Ainz, Hannah, Norbert, Simon, Siu on 18 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Hannah Pearlman

      Hannah Pearlman answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      Everyone gets bored sometimes, but the thing I love about engineering is that I do so many different things everyday that even if one or two are boring the rest more than make up for them!

      There are a number of things which drive me to do my job as an engineer, the fact that I find it interesting is one, the fact that it is a secure career from which to support my family financially is another. However one of my biggest motivations is that I want to do a job I enjoy and engineering is that!

    • Photo: Norbert Gogiel

      Norbert Gogiel answered on 18 Jun 2015:


      Sometimes you are doing something and it feels monotonic maybe, not boring. It also depends on the person. I have a need of solving a problem until I solve it, but sometimes thinking of a solution is keeping you going in a circle, so you need a break, because it feels monotonic. And monotony might drive some people to feel bored. I enjoy changing between tasks frequently as it is more exciting and it allows you to shift your mind to different things, so this method would allow your job to be less monotonic :).

      For example, if you are trying to understand a certain topic of a subject for number of hours, then you might find it monotonic and then it becomes boring. However, you are going to do something else and then you are coming back to it :).

      What keeps me driving is the idea of developing the technology for the future and the idea of analysing it whether or not it will work in space. Being a part dynamic industry and making analysis on new inventions are driving me to do this job :). After the project is finished you are off to do something else and you might get a few projects at the same time, so it is exciting and definitely not boring :).

    • Photo: Simon Lay

      Simon Lay answered on 19 Jun 2015:

      I guess what drives me is a desire to get the job done. I do find it hard to relax if i haven’t finished something or gotten something to work properly. I get a large sense of satisfaction in a job well done with happy customers. I like helping people out when they need a solution to a problem to enable them to meet their deadlines and if i can take one element of worry away from them then this is good.
      Engineering is all about teamwork and when you have a good team you don’t want to let anyone down and this makes you try hard.
      There are elements of the job that are a bit dull and repetitive but they can be equally important. Even someone who on the face of it has an exciting job probably spends quite a bit of time planning and discussing things behind the scenes before doing the fun bit!
