• Question: What was your first invention?

    Asked by Diego Costa to Ainz, Hannah, Norbert, Simon, Siu on 15 Jun 2015.
    • Photo: Simon Lay

      Simon Lay answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I spent ages as a kid trying to make a wind powered bike which failed dismally when i tried to turn for the down wind part of the experiment. I was always trying to invent stuff as a kid but most of it didn’t work out quite as planned.
      Nowadays with a larger budget and the technically brill people at Diamond it is much easier to invent things.

    • Photo: Norbert Gogiel

      Norbert Gogiel answered on 15 Jun 2015:

      I was inventing a lot as a kid. I always used a lot of LEGO for my invention, but I also got into other things. For example, I was trying to create a camera that I could hook up to the TV, but this was a complete joke. I was 3/4 years old I think. However, I still feel as an inventor and I have a background knowledge so let’s see what happens in the future 🙂

    • Photo: Hannah Pearlman

      Hannah Pearlman answered on 18 Jun 2015:

      To be honest I am not much of an inventor! I like to think that I am the kind of engineer that makes stuff happen rather than comes up with lots of ideas…however we need every type of person in engineering and there is plenty of work out there both of you invent things all the time or if you don’t!
